Saturday, August 16, 2008

About NightLife!

Nightlife Rockz!
Nightlife is My Life!
Nightlife is what made us Alive!
Nightlife you Knock off us in the dark!
Nightlife is where Wonders came from!
Nightlife you totally Amazed us!

Feeling Bored?

Feeling Lonely?

Feeling Scared?

Feeling Unamused?

Feeling Unattractive?

Feeling Unsteady? pathetic!

CONTACT:Email at :

Only for P.Dian...

NIGHTLIFE really made us Boil!Just anywhere or any place in the World!Having a great time enjoying With a Group Of Adult friends.(No children PLEASE!)Screaming & drinking & talking loudly where no one bother.Burning the midnight oil to Dawn and others etc....ahh think for yourself lah!....GTG!''Beh Tah Han already''!!!!!Muz go ouT!!!!

i'm OuT!


2 Feedback!:

Anonymous said...

NightLifezzzzz ROCkzzzzzzz!!!!Yeah!

Anonymous said... ! we teenagers need lots of activities & new
things all the time. Hey don;t
parents know ? They've been teenagers before, right ?