Monday, July 13, 2009

Again ... and again ...

This month special occasion of spoting 'which hyundai r u'.
Cool contest offer by hyundai company itself.

Grand prize(Best photo) -- 2 air return tickets to Europe and spend 10 days and 7 nights uncovering the best holiday spots in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France and England - all expenses paid for – amounting to RM38,000!What the hell.....Imagine what you will do with RM38k.Lousy air tickets,it is more worth it taking money $$$$$~

Voter's prizes -- Apple ipod

SO I DECIDED TO PLAY ALONG!hey plz vote me voteeee meee(if you are a member only vote)The non - member you may take a look.

P/s : Here's the link =

gonna WIN some goodies!
Wish me many luck!

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